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How we added $1.85M incremental monthly revenue for supplement giant Happy Mammoth


3 minute read
Written by:
Harry Molyneux
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Happy Mammoth

Happy Mammoth is an Australian brand founded in 2017, specializing in natural supplements for gut health, hormone balance, and overall well-being. Known for products like Hormone Harmony and Prebiotic Collagen Protein, they sought DTC Pages for CRO help to boost conversions sitewide, and drive growth​

The Challenge

Despite their impressive growth and success, Happy Mammoth had never implemented CRO strategies. The brand lacked in-house developers and CRO designers, making it difficult to optimize their already effective sales funnels.

They needed a comprehensive, full-service solution to manage their entire CRO process. This included leveraging data-backed enhancements to maximize conversions and elevate their customer experience across the site. Happy Mammoth turned to DTC Pages to provide the expertise and resources necessary to supercharge their online performance.

Our Approach


Building trust

When selling an investable product that makes big health claims, the number biggest obstacles to get over is "Will this work for me?" and "Is this safe?". We used a combination of copywriting, reviews, customer stores and press releases to put users at ease.


Core Website User Experience

Unlike many supplement brands, Happy Mammoth drives paid traffic to their core website over a landing page. This presents unique opportunties for us to optimize through site-wide experimentation of various product pages, funnels, and navigation.


Removing Fluff

Since Happy Mammoth had grown such a big brand without ever having ran an A/B test, we were able to identify a lot of site content that was actively detracting from the research and purchase process. We've added 6-figures simply removing filler content.

Example Tests

The Results:




High Impact Test Winners

What they said about us:

5 star rating
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